AAII Initiatives In Concert With United Nations International Days

The United Nations has established specific days during the year to help focus the world on issues it believes require special attention. AAII honors these United Nations International Days through education and activities that address global issues and promote understanding of their significance to local communities.

  • In honor of the United Nations International Day of Trees, AAII initiated a
    campaign to raise awareness of ways to fight drought and desertification, educating local people to plant trees. AAII implemented its Reforestation Project in Kossi-Atlanta, Senegal that included the planting of 500 trees and an International Day of Trees ceremony.
  • In support of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights Day, AAII held conferences in Kaolack, Senegal to explain the significance of Human Rights and translate the information in the three local languages (Wolof, Serer and Fulani). AAII representatives appeared on radio, television and at conferences throughout Senegal to raise awareness of the importance of Human Rights and how they are in keeping with Islamic principles of human dignity.
  • In concert with the United Nations International Day for Disabled People, AAII distributes wheelchairs and crutches to those in need of them and holds conferences to raise awareness of the challenges people with disabilities face in their every day lives.
  • In keeping with the United Nations International Day of Women’s Rights and International Peace, AAII holds meetings with local women’s groups and co-sponsors events to explore issues and integrate women’s economic development and participation in the social development of the country, promote equal rights for women and eliminate discrimination.
  • In concert with the United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) World Population Day, AAII held a conference in Kaolack, Senegal to address the challenges associated with aging as manifested in Senegalese society.
  • AAII supports and participates in the World Health Organization (WHO) No Tobacco Day.
  • AAII supports and participates in United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) activities to raise awareness of the rights of children on International Children’s Day.
  • In recognition that water is needed to promote economic development and social well-being, AAII works to make safe drinking water available to people in rural areas. AAII participated in the International Day for Water by distributing free water to twelve villages surrounding Kossi-Atlanta, Senegal and provided the necessary pipes to facilitate running water.

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