AAII Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are essential to the success of AAII’s Education and Health Care programs. AAII’s Volunteers come from countries throughout the world, many of whom return annually and stay anywhere from two weeks to a year. Volunteers are needed in the following service areas:

HEALTH CARE: To work in AAII’s Shifa-al-Asqam Socio Medical Center clinics in Medina-Baye and Kossi-Atlanta, Senegal.

  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Midwives
  • Dentists
  • Physicians Assistants
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Physical Therapists

Volunteers are necessary to assure primary and reproductive health care throughout the year in both clinic locations.

EDUCATION: To teach in AAII schools in Medina-Kaolack and Kossi-Atlanta, Senegal.

• Elementary Level Teachers
• High School Level Teachers of English, Mathematics
• Computer Literacy Teachers
• English As A Second Language Teachers

Volunteers provide their own airfare. AAII provides basic accommodations. If you are interested in volunteering with AAII, please contact us with your educational background, work experience, volunteer experience (if any), special interests, anticipated duration of volunteer service and a brief statement of what you hope to contribute and what you expect to derive from your experience as a volunteer.